Doula Difference

Why hire a doula?

Hiring a doula is like stacking your team. We are an extra set of hands, eyes and ears to help your wishes and goals be met. I work for you and am not held by any work place policies that may interfere with what you want for your birth. Throughout your pregnancy I can help you prepare for your birth and postpartum, answer questions that come up for you, give you options you may not have known were available to you and help reduce any fears you may have around birth or postpartum.

As a doula I am a support not only to the pregnant person but also to your partner if you have one. I will guide them and give them suggestions on ways to assist you through labour. My presence also gives them opportunities to rest and refuel themselves so they can be their best for you.

I will provide non judgemental emotional, physical and informational support during your pregnancy, labour and postpartum. Together we will plan, discuss options and trouble shoot if something is not working. Having a doula at your birth is shown to increase the birthing person's satisfaction in their birth as well as the statistics shown below.

Stats: - 15% increase in spontaneous vaginal birth
- 39% decrease in cesarean birth
- 10% decrease in the use of pain medication
- Less likely to have an instrumental assisted birth (forceps or vacuum)
- Shorter labour by average of 40 minutes
- Baby is less likely to have a low apgar score
- More likely to be satisfied with your birthing experience
- Less likely to have postpartum mood disorder

Still not convinced? Send me a message and we can talk more specifics for your unique situation.

 Have more questions or want to chat? Send me an email.